(page 2)

(more of) My favorites!!

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Personal favorites (page 2)--you're lookin' at 'em!

I. Free stuff!

II. Geography

III. History

IV. Information

V. Language Learning...

VI. Literature & study...

VII. On-line shopping...

(back to) Personal favorites (page 1)
For still more, see personal favorites page 3...
(end table of contents)

I. Free stuff

II. Geography

III. History

IV. Information

V. Language Learning

  Note: None of the below items require special fonts or character sets (except in some cases, InterTran).  
sound On-line Arabic Classroom Learn Arabic on the Web now!
sound Speaking Chinese Learn Chinese on the internet!)
  English-Chinese Dictionary English to Chinese characters!)
  AltaVista Babelfish Translations from/to English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  InterTran (tm) Translate on-line between 625 language pairs!
sound EFL.NET, the English learning site! ComAudio is the easy way to increase your understanding of spoken English. With ComAudio, news items, features, poetry and songs are played while the corresponding text is displayed on your screen.
sound English as a Second Language Integration of reading, listening and speaking skills
France Resources for Learning French  
sound Foreign Languages for Travelers Hear sounds in practically any language at which you could "shake a stick" (that's a midwestern idiom, for those of you new to English!)
  Links to gobs of FREE language courses. Free Online Language Courses!
sound PARLO.COM -- FREE language study. You can study ENGLISH, SPANISH, or FRENCH!
  A Web of on-line Dictionaries Links to more language dictionaries than I knew existed!!
sound Enchanting Thailand (a few Thai basic greetings and phrases)
  E-mail me if you know of other good Language Links!  

VI. Literature & Study

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