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The Gateman's
Online Wines Store
To add items to your shopping cart, just enter the desired quanitity!

Augustine Wines

Beringer Winery

Gateman's Specialty

Note, this order if for demonstration purposes only--no actual order will be serviced!!!

Enter Shipping/Payment Information:
( * indicates required )

* Name:
* Address:
* City:
State (2 digit code if US):
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
* Payment Method: Check or money order VISA
MasterCard Amex
Fill in information below
or Fax your credit card - or check information to (999)555-1212
(use fake numbers--this is just a demo)
Card #:
Exp. Date:
Name-As on Card:
To mail check or
money order,
send to-->
The Gateman's Online Wines
Att: Order
1631 SW MacVicar Ave
Topeka, KS 66604

Note: This CGI operation takes time--only press "submit" button ONCE!!

Software by Virtual Publisher, Inc.
© Copyright Virtual Publisher, Inc. - 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved